Yet for your organization

Empowering your team with instant access to Single Sessions with psychologists, career coaches, leadership coaches, work-life coaches and life counselors, all available on one platform for immediate booking and expert support without waiting.

Help your people become more resilient with effective Single Session Interventions, available directly online and with no waiting list

Personal problems, work or home-related, affect employees’ performance. If nothing is done to address these problems, they can snowball and result in even more stress.

This can cause stress-related complaints, poorer performance and difficulty working together. Conversely, an intervention focused on one specific issue can trigger a positive response in other areas. From absenteeism to engagement. 

Yet One Session introduces the validated Single Session Therapy method in the Netherlands to help people move forward with the issue in question in a single session.

Request a demoRequest a demo

Check out our video via the link below. 

Provides valuable, quick, easy and effective support

Prevent misery

A brief intervention is easy, quick to implement. It takes relatively little time, money and attention. This allows you to make adjustments at an early stage, preventing absenteeism, incapacity and a great deal of misery in the process.

Strengthen commitment and resilience

An employee who does not feel good, does not work well, does not communicate well and has a negative impact on their environment. Not only in the workplace but also at home.
That’s a shame, because by intervening at an early stage, you will strengthen the commitment and resilience of your people and, in turn, of the organisation. That will benefit everyone.

These are the pillars of Yet's Single Session Interventions

Instantly available

  • Employees can schedule a session themselves online, quickly and discreetly
  • When urgency and motivation are high
  • From one month to 48 hours in advance, also in the evening and at weekends, no waiting list
  • Online, so no travel time
  • Dutch and English

Brief and to the point

  • A single, confidential, one-hour conversation during which sensitive issues can also be discussed
  • Focus on the current situation
  • Focus on strengthening personal resilience and solutions so that timely adjustments can be made

High quality

  • Validated Single Session Interventions
  • Collective of experienced professionals
  • High satisfaction rate; average of 4.8 out of 5
  • Cooperation and consultation with HR and managers on the implementation of sessions

This is how Yet works for your organisation

In just a few simple steps, you can enable your employees to contact an experienced expert as and when they need one.


We make an appropriate offer tailored to the organisation’s needs.


Taken care of from A-Z with our Yet Package (see below for details).

Direct scheduling

With the payment code, employees can schedule a session themselves online, whenever they need to. From one month to 48 hours in advance, including evenings and weekends.


The 1-to-1 sessions are always 100% confidential. While we encourage employees to speak out, we never share any information with the organisation. Privacy is essential to effective coaching.


We do always share the anonymous 1 to 5-star rating of the session so that you, as an organisation, know whether the sessions are meaningful and valued. We are available to discuss the implementation of sessions.

Implementation taken care of from A to Z

Buckle up and get ready for a flying start! The Yet Package ensures a smooth and successful implementation. A complete communication package with a clear roadmap and a comprehensive set of materials providing optimal support for you, your managers and team leaders. The materials are available in both Dutch and English.

Guide for managers

Managers play an important part in creating Yet's success. This guide explains how and when they can raise awareness of Yet.

Notifications on intranet

The content calendar includes FAQ, inspiration videos, facts & figures and podcasts. These posts can obviously be tweaked to your own organisation.

Various media to raise awareness of Yet

Yet vouchers to encourage use
Yet posters (digital and printable)
Yet GIFs to use in your communications

Explainer videos

A video about Yet with practical instructions for both the organisation and managers: from practical information regarding scheduling a session, to explanations about privacy, reporting and finding a suitable expert.

400+ employers have already joined us, because you

One conversation can change your mind

What our clients say about us.

"For anyone who values their employees’ personal (and psychological) development, I can really recommend Single Session Coaching! Serious value for money!"

Jeanette Ploeger – CEO Minddistrict

"We are now less likely to choose a coaching programme. Finding the right coach, someone you have a click with, can take quite a while. And people have busy schedules. That often makes planning difficult. Yet works faster and is consequently also a cheaper solution."

Jelke Notten - Lead of Talent Development

"Employees really are helped to move forward, so Yet can replace some of the longer processes. The digital aspect and the duration of only one hour are perceived as convenient. We receive very positive reactions from both employees struggling with work pressure or tension, for example, and employees wanting to view their career or ambitions from a different perspective."

Yves van den Berg - HR Manager Dura Vermeer

"It works so well that we need fewer sessions than we thought. For me, it's not even so much about preventing absenteeism. People sometimes encounter complex problems and situations in their lives. You want to be able to offer them help quickly. Getting the right help can take a very long time if they have to visit their GP first. Yet can help very quickly. It's nice to be able to offer your employees something good."